Programa de Entrenamiento en Casa
Ref: 39603742703660
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Product description

Fuerte en Casa es un programa de entrenamiento que te guiará paso a paso para aumentar tu fuerza y mejorar tu condición fisica.
Este programa te dará motivación y una ruta clara para cumplir tus objetivos.
Incluye 10 semanas completas de entrenamiento, donde te acompañaré en entrenamientos cortos y efectivos para lograr los máximos resultados con el mínimo o sin equipo de entrenamiento. 
Tutoriales exclusivos de cada uno de los ejercicios donde aprenderemos desde cero la técnica de los ejercicios. 
Programación diseñada para darte el estímulo, la frecuencia y el descanso necesarios para progresar. ¡Para que sepas exactamente qué hacer!
Además tendrás entradas en calor dónde activaremos los músculos que trabajaremos en cada sesión de entrenamiento.
Te guiaré por una rutina de estiramiento y flexibilidad que será excelentes para hacer en un día de descanso.
Durante este programa tendrás diferentes rutinas de abdomen ordenadas por nivel dónde fortaleceremos y pondremos a prueba tu abdomen!​
De manera gratuita recibirás mi e-book "Optimiza tu entrenamiento", dónde explico cómo aprovechar al máximo este programa de entrenamiento y te explico los conceptos que necesitas para progresar en tu plan de ejercicio
Cada semana tendrás un nuevo video mio explicandote qué haremos en esa semana, acompañandote, motivandote y proponiendote retos para que mejores tu salud y estado físico!

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FAQs - Objetos Únicos

What do the payment statuses mean?

Here you can see details for each payment and its status.

  • Paid: when a payment is made by credit card, offline payment or any other means of payment, the payment status of that order changes to "paid".
  • Pending: orders are on "pending" status when they have not been paid yet.
  • Authorized: depending on the payment method, payments are registered and updated manually or automatically.
  • Refunded, Partially Refunded, or Voided: When an order is canceled, the payment status changes to "Refunded or Voided". For an order for which payment has not yet been captured, the payment status appears as voided.

For orders with captured payments, the payment appears as refunded. If you partially refund an order with a captured payment, its status changes to partially refunded.

Shipping tracking

You will receive via email instructions to follow your order. If your lot is lost during shipment, please contact customer service of the courier company. Delivery time and the delivery method will depend on the characteristics of the package and the distance to the shipping point.

Can I return an item even after I have received it at home?

Yes, you can manage returns with the seller during the first 7 business days upon receiving it. The seller has 3 calendar days to accept the return. If the issue has not been solved or you do not agree, you can ask our Support department for help. The seller must confirm the correct receipt of the returned item within 10 working days. When the refund payment is processed, you will be notified.

Payment methods
Choose your preferred payment method, including credit cards, debit cards, PayPal, bitcoin, ethereum.