Ref: 39621646745644

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Product description

Regalo especial del mítico productor del grupo belga LA LUNA, Steve Spaceman, a su buen amigo Chumi Dj. Modelo exclusivo, fabricado en Bélgica con el lago de discoteca LÍMITE SANTOMERA en la espalda, y el nombre de CHUMI DJ en la parte delantera. Esta chaqueta militar es una pieza atemporal, que puedes llevar en cualquier temporada. 

Parche militar con velcro en el pecho, con el nombre de CHUMI DJ.
Cuello de piel sintética desmontable.
4 bolsillos: uno interior, tres exteriores.
Parche gigante en la parte trasera con el logo gigante de discoteca LIMITE SANTOMERA.
Una pieza exclusiva, solo para coleccionistas.
Totalmente nueva sin estrenar, ni un solo uso.
Talla L.



  • Select the product, enter your data and proceed with the payment. You will receive a purchase confirmation email.

  • The seller handles and delivers your order to the courier. You can monitor from "My account" your package status.

  • We keep you informed of your parcel status. Additionally, you have your tracking code to follow your package in real time through the courier's site.

  • The courier delivers your purchase at home. Now is yours!

Estimated delivery time

Home Parcel delivery

  • Security: each shipment is identified and registered.
  • Guarantee: delivery subject to recipient's signature.
  • Trust: Track your shipment from our website or by phone.
  • Flexible: national and Andorra shipments of up to 20 kg, with a delivery time between 3 and 5 business days except the Canary Islands (8 business days).



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What do the payment statuses mean?

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  • Paid: when a payment is made by credit card, offline payment or any other means of payment, the payment status of that order changes to "paid".
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Shipping tracking

You will receive via email instructions to follow your order. If your lot is lost during shipment, please contact customer service of the courier company. Delivery time and the delivery method will depend on the characteristics of the package and the distance to the shipping point.

Can I return an item even after I have received it at home?

Yes, you can manage returns with the seller during the first 7 business days upon receiving it. The seller has 3 calendar days to accept the return. If the issue has not been solved or you do not agree, you can ask our Support department for help. The seller must confirm the correct receipt of the returned item within 10 working days. When the refund payment is processed, you will be notified.

Auction Basics:

Current Bid: The highest amount of money offered to buy the product up to that point. Initial bid: Initial amount to offer needed to buy the product. Target / Reserve figure: minimum amount required to finalize the auction and elect a winner. Minimum bid: Minimum amount required to be able to buy and get the product.

I was not the winner of the auction but I was second on the list. What does this mean?

You can still get that item you want so much! If the winner of the auction decides to reject the purchase or does not complete the order in the required period of time, you will become the winner of the auction and you will finally be able to buy the product.

Extension or reduction of the duration of an auction

The duration of an auction can be modified in the event that the reserve price has not been reached and the seller decides to extend the end date.

Can I cancel a bid?

Yes you can. It may also happen that it is automatically canceled if the auction has been canceled. Nor will it be effective if the auction has already been closed. Even after you have won an auction we require confirmation. With our auction system you will control the price and your bidding at all times.

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